Sunday 9 September 2012


Monday 28th August.
As part of an end of project get together our hosts arranged a table at Iberica in Great Portland Street.
Great Portland street was part of the Rag Trade district when I was a student and had some fairly boring frontages and a few book shops. Now it is alive with restaurants and this one was new to me but I have not been to GPS for many years.

The appearance is fake Spain, and owes more to the imagination than reality. The menu also bears little relationship to the tapas that I have eaten when in Spain (admittedly mainly in Madrid and the south but not always at tourist venues) nor in tapas establishments in the UK.Here is what it looked like
A little on the pretentious side, and I have mainly experienced tapas as the everyday dish of the everyday restaurant bar, and this was a cut above. I would say nothing to criticize how it tasted and it was as hot as tapas might be expected to be. None of the typical things like pulpo or calamaris or those funny little meat balls. So it was ok, and smart, and tasted fine, but it was not Spain. Would I recommend it - yes, but I think you need a fat wallet.(check out the menu on the web site). I will not be going there under my own steam.

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