Tuesday 25 September 2012

Bella Italia, Picadilly Gardens, Manchester.

Bella Italia as you probably know, is a chain of Italian middle of the road restaurants. Nothing clever, nothing risky, or so I thought.http://www.bellaitalia.co.uk/italian-restaurant/manchester-piccadilly
Went there with my work mates for a post meeting lunch. The menu is pretty predictable, and there is nothing to distinguish it from anywhere else, be it Spaghetti house or Pizza Express or any of the other chains. It ought to be foolproof.
I ordered a quattro stagione pizza at £8.95. In retrospect, I should have realised when it was delivered that things might not be as expected.
I only got as far as the first mouthful. This somewhat insipid-looking specimen, not enhanced by photoshop,turned out to undercooked to the point where the dough was doughy, and was cold at the bottom. No crispy crust etc etc, It was almost inedible, and was returned. Now this place must do thousands of Pizzas each year. It is their bread and butter, and to serve one up like this bordered, in my opinion, on negligence. It achieved a 1 on the CHOF scale, barely making out of stone cold.
It was replaced without argument (they probably knew there was a problem with their oven) and no charge was made for either.The replacement was fine, but this sort of occurrence simply should not happen.

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